Snabb bloggning..
Nu e d ungefär 7 min kvar tills min vagn åker till stan... ska nämligen jobba på H&M Nordstan idag =) Så jag tänkte blogga lite fort innan jag drar mig.. =)
Jag vet att jag inte har bloggat på ett tag men jag har bara inte orkat.. det har inte hänt så mkt egentligen..
Jobb, vänner, varvat New Super Mario Bros med Evy å Leon... =) Oxå har jag börjat spela Mario Galaxy... ska varva d oxå hade jag tänkt mig ;) Facebook-nörden har delvis dämpat ner lite... jag e inte lika aktiv på FB längre... jag har märkt att FB e tråkigt egentligen haha... (det har jag fattat nu?) ;P
Näääe det va nog allt jag ville sägaa.. ;P Måste kila nu så jag inte missar vagnen å kommer försent!!!! =P
Haha, yah, I didn't blog for a while either, although I finally wrote a (pretty long) post a few days ago. Actually of my friends' blogs that I've subscribed to have been quiet for months or so.
Everyone are so busy! Kinda sad... Although I guess that doesn't apply when you're busy because you're playing video games. :P Finally got some time to play Final Fantasy two days ago, but other than that I've been too busy moving, cleaning the new house and having family dinners.
Awee.. it's true... everyone is sooo busy now =P
Me? I'm working.. and sometimes seeing friends but well.. I dun have that much time playing video games.. I wish I had more time!!! ;D
Cool.. I wanna play FF13 too!! But I dun have PS3 or XBOX360... =(
I guess you should just visit a friend who has it then! ;) Hehe...
Ah finally weekend! Going home soon. Need to finish cleaning the apartment for the move-in party. I hope internet works at home now or soon... (The installation guy came yesterday, but it doesn't work yet. The e-mail said it might take two days before it starts working...)
Johan Ho: Haha soo true but they haven't finish it yet soo ;P
So u moved again to another apartment? =P How come? =P Awee poor u no having internet.. =( But you have the consoles soo ;P Same shit! ;P
Hehe, moved because my parents bought a new apartment, which is slightly bigger. And they can't rent that one out legally, and also because it's bigger it's better if we used that one for ourselves, and rent out my smaller apartment. So I moved.
Vilhelm and Leon is staying with me there now, Vilhelm keeps hogging the TV. xD Haha but I've been busy cleaning up the apartment anyways. Now that the move-in party is over I'll kick him off the consoles so I can play FFXIII soon. ;)
Johan Ho: Ahaaa I understand!! So now you live with your brothers? =) Hahaha.. u and ur FFXIII =P
So funny ar ^^